Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Very Sore Throat Hard To Swallow

Some years ago, past a stand: My attention was drawn to a small booklet of "
Franco Spinardi" on Geomancy.

At the time I did not give much importance to this subject and I bought the book more out of curiosity, that real interest.

At that time I was very attracted to the disciplines called "Esoteric " , I studied the basics of astrology, I was using I-Ching as a method of divination, and I was interested in Kabbalah.

scroll through the topic of the book in question: I realized in a short time complexity divinatory art of geomancy, its considerable potential, that contains Geomancy in essence all the bases I had previously studied the disciplines, the immediacy than

astrology the absence of cryptic than Cabal and I-Ching.

For an outsider, perhaps it may seem a nuisance: Having to do with numbers, binary calculations and interpretations, of course he does not realize because of age, or does not remember the times legendary " pre-computer" , the voluminous books, the ephemeris, the ruler of the calculations from memory, of indecipherable messages Astrology, Kabbalah and I-Ching. Surely Geomancy is dedicated to those who are lazy to find it difficult to use pen and paper; Engage in interpreting signs, meanings and aspects: For these individuals there are horoscopes journals fashion, "eccentric, greedy, concerned" operators of the occult, the computer programs cold and impersonal.

For people really interested in these subjects, desirous of understand the real nature of fate, to investigate the personality and nature of the human soul: This divination is ideal for deepening their knowledge of astrology, to quickly get valuable information than our personal destiny, our psycho-physical state and then be able to restore the natural balance of our micro-cosmos in relation to natural phenomena.

Basics of Geomancy:

In essence the Geomancy can be considered Astrology of the earth, especially the similarities between the two " sciences esoteric. "

Surely Geomancy can be considered an art of divination rather than a discipline itself: But its depth, comprehensiveness and authority make this discipline worthy of interest, deep study and respect.

tools such rules are mostly the geomantic figures and the Shield.

The 16 geomantic figures:

They are essentially graphical representations, obtained by several methods and processed through a simple binary math.

Puer = Child

amiss = Loss

Albus = White


= People

Fortuna Fortuna Major = Greater

conjunctiva = Union

Puella Girl =

Rubeus = Red

Laetitia = Letizia

Carcer = Prison

Tristitia = Sadness

Acquisition = Acquisition

Cauda Draconis Dragon Tail =

Fortuna Minor = small fortune

= Caput Draconis Dragon Head

Way = Way, Road

16 These figures have a Latin name because of their historical origin: Given that this system Dowsing has been codified in the West in the medieval period, even if it actually comes in very Geomancy more remote, mostly from North Africa and comes to us thanks to the Arab culture.

quadrigrammi These could be considered a schematic representation of the human body divided into 4 major parts, as we see in the diagram below

also represented in terms of primary elements "fire, earth, air, water" , Planets / Objects and astrological signs.

These Figures mainly represent the moods, in a sense described in brief the meaning of their name: As in the case of simply guessed " Tristitia and Laetitia."

addition to special situations such as in the case of "Populus, or prisons, and so on." where these figures as well as physical states, or situations: They tend to be regarded as symptoms open and closed-mindedness.

Moreover, these figures may be involved in astrological terms to the objects and signs such as:

Populus, Via = Moon / Cancer

Fortuna Major = Sun / Leo

Tristitia = Venus / Taurus

Puella = Venus / Libra, etc. ..

They represent the positive, negative, neutral Objects / Signs of Astrology and how these: Can I wait to be in residence, Co-residence, Fall, Co-fall , Exaltation and debilitation in relation to their position in the 12 Houses of the Shield geomancer.

For more information on geomancy and geomantic figures visit:


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