Sunday, February 6, 2011

Doujin Dragon Ballbulma

Tex & Pat - Pat & Tex

What a slacker that! :-P
But I do not want to start doing a boring list of justification for my lack of productivity ... I prefer to go directly to the practical things!
I started to sketch in the animation of Tex and Pat in Flipbook to have visual feedback to what I planned, thanks to X-Sheet. The timing
more or less back to me, but I had to make some adjustments, including having added a third bounce back when Pat makes room for the scene. For accuracy and
corerenza I fixed the x-sheet and 5.

This is the very first blocking on only Tex and only the first part, that his arrival on the scene until the time when his appearance will also Pat.
all for now animated "on twos " except in some places, especially before the various contact / squash that I added (on ones) frame of a preliminary contact with the ground and stretch.

As you may have noticed this time I decided to work in 16:9 format ... having two "people" side by side on the screen I thought it was more convenient rather use the width and height ... and last but not least is perfectly in keeping with the fact that both the screen and the tablet are wide!

:-) See you soon! (Spero. ..)


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