Monday, January 24, 2011

Desert Eagle .5.0 For Sale

Windows xp sp3 I4E Mod v3.0 sata edition

~ General Info:

Base: Windows XP Professional OEM
Service Pack 3
Version: 5.1.2600.5512
Language: Italian
Serial: already integrated
Size: 700 Mb

~ Co ver :

~ Components removed:

Easy Access
ClipBook Viewer Games Internet


~ Driver removed:

Logitech WingMan Microsoft SideWinder Modems

Serial Pen Tablet
tape device

Scanners Video Cards
Sony Jog Dial

~ Printers Software Multimedia removed:

Images and Backgrounds Media Center Music Sample

Tablet PC

~ System Files removed:

Tour (Tour of Windows XP, which takes up unnecessary files avi 20 Mb)
bubbles sapone.bmp
plaster spagnolo.bmp
stone verde.bmp
embroidery (16 colors). bmp

~ Network software removed:

FrontPage Extensions MSN Explorer Windows Messenger 4.7

~ Operating System Options:

Research Assistant
User Account Picture Tour

~ Hardware Support:

Iomega Zip drive
Peripherals Brother

~ Services enabled:


~ Integrated Tweaks / made:
Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-Yes
Explorer-Disable the code Linking to Explorer-Disable
the arrow links to
Explorer-Classic Control Panel
Start Menu-Add
Administrative Tools menu Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs
Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog link
Start Menu-Remove Set Program Access and
Network-Disable Microsoft-DS (close port 445 TCP / UDP)
Security-Always show Updates under Software
Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Agreement
Windows Media Player-Disable acquisition
Auto-Disable Windows Media Player
add music to library Windows Media Player-Disable automatic codec download Windows Media Player
-Disable scripting commands Windows Media Player-Disable
retrieval of multimedia information
Windows Media Player-Disable saving Automatic
DRM music files like Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide Windows Media Player

-Disable MRU Windows Media Player-Disable all streaming protocols Windows Media Player
Disantis-demand backup of Windows licenses
Media Player-Improve your privacy settings
Connections TCP / IP port to 1000

~ Integrated Software:

Windows Live Messenger 9.0 with msn plus 4.83
DirectX 9.0c June 2010 Hotfix
post service pack 3 updated to 10 September 2010
Flash player Shockwave player for firefox

11. NET Framework 2.0 with Service Pack 1 and Language pack in Italian
. NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Visual C + + 2008 sp1
Java Machine 6.21
Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Silverlight 4.0
Wga 1.9 with the validator Wga
Management Framework Core
Windows update 7.4
XviD 1.2.2

~ Integrated Driver:

Driver Sata complete list updated September 2010

~ Miscellaneous:

Added backgrounds in HD
Added avatar windows seven
Replaced the graphics of Windows Media Player 11 with that of Windows Media Player 12 live
Eliminate unnecessary folders from the CD

~ cd automated options:
automatically accepted the contract for Microsoft
Fusio time already set on Rome and the rest
everything automated, requiring no activation code because it is already integrated, and genuine 100%
Name Registration and companies set up: Name: Company Pucetto92: House can change either through the program XP Owner Name Change Organization
renamed user account, you can change

Fixati all the bugs in version 2.0
Bug: Do not allow to change user name from the control panel but you can change from computer management and administration tools in the menu

~ Download

Part 1 -
Part 2 - Part 3
- http://www. /? l3nrv58iha16fw6
Part 4 - Part 5
Part 6 - http://www.mediafire. com /? c7n6s7rzu7uszju
Part 7 - Part 8

~ Credits:

Pucetto92 for creating, editing and testing the version of xp

Sunday, January 23, 2011

에러 E000002-0000

What a beautiful day Day

are adapted to the movie Checco Zalone "what a beautiful day and I loved it, makes die laughing, I decided to post the trailer so if anyone interested can go see it.

will also leave the board of the film:

Original title: What a beautiful day
Country: Italy
Year: 2011
Genre: Comedy
Length: 95 '
Directed by: Gennaro Nunziante
Official site: / promotion / chebellagiornata

Cast: Checco Zalone, Rocco Papaleo, Ivano Marescotti Nahiha Akkari, Tullio Solenghi
Production: Taodue
Distribution: Medusa
Release Date: January 5, 2011 (cinema) Trama

Milan. Checco, poor security of a discotheque in Brianza, because of the danger of attacks that require extraordinary measures for areas at risk, he finds himself working as a security officer at the Milan Cathedral.
In a short time and thanks to his outstanding intellectual abilities that cause endless misunderstandings, Checco becomes the real threat to the Italian heritage and soon you realize you have not done a great deal to hire him. But ... Checco meets Farah, a student of architecture who pretends to be French and falls in love. Farah is in fact Arabic and Milan to finish his personal vendetta. The beautiful girl immediately senses that Checco, just as ignorant, unaware and could be a perfect ally in his plans.
Everything feels right, but Farah did not come to terms with the soul of Checco that will forever change the destiny of his life.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Can You Say About Volleyball?


This year the PPN has organized a social lunch at the end of the season for all members of the multi-sports, athletes or not.
This time the lunch was held at a restaurant near Macherio, big enough to accommodate the forty present.
before eating, as in every social dinner was held a meeting on the report last year. This was a great year for the company, full of innovation and great results, the new racing suit and won the 2nd place trophy in lombardy companies are examples.
During this meeting we also voted for the new sports club motto, mottos finalists were:
- I think, therefore I run (Ombretta)
- alone in the woods together in sport (Frederick)
- one team, one family, sports, sports club (Michela)
The votes there was a dead heat between the motto of Frederick and Michele, so we voted out including a show of hands and the winner is the motto: "alone in the woods together in sport "(Federico)
addition to the meeting were handed awards for members of the PPN, the delivery of gold coins to all those who had earned (Nadia Galib has taken over all with 114, I 104), prizes for the youth of the PPN (that's just me, my sister and 2 de Faveri), and delivery of Muggiò trophy, won by the sports court, delivered by the drawing of Mariano.

After the meeting we ate (a lot) and I must say I liked everything, especially the penne with the sauce of almonds and radicchio.
Among the various meals we had the usual raffle for charity and as usual the family was the most successful titles, although I Casaglia say the Rosary and many have had their prizes!

the end we left with this goal for next season to try to repeat in the 2nd place trophy london!

Actress Showing Breasts

Blocking 01 - X-Tex & Pat

I managed to work the scanner! :-) So here
online the first 5 sheets I made for Tex ... Click to see enlarged.

Until next time!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Diffrent Types Of Labia

Sheet 2 - Sheet

Although I promised to get back to work and give them back some time ... this period rather messed up, in many fronts! However
not give up and try to continue my good intentions.
I had left with the first notes for the animation of Tex & Pat , the two bouncing balls characterized.
In an attempt to achieve a good result, I'm trying to learn as much as possible the animation "on paper" before I sat down in front of the PC, and start implementing.
struggling to get a bit 'in the more technical, I decided to use the X- Sheets (or exposure sheet, or how you want to call it ...)
(my desk at the end of work today ... and you have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe chaos that was around!)

I am not very natural, but with a little 'commitment I think they are useful.
Sure, the animation I have in mind is basically a sequence of jumps and movements rather simple, but using them may still be a useful exercise.
I first tried the template on the internet ... but in the end I decided to crearmene a customized version . This is because all the x-sheet on the books or on the Internet refer to traditional animation on film, are divided into feet ... and for me it is not an easy way of thinking (I already have trouble with the second!). After all, I come from the use of PC ... for what little it's worth I used to think in frames and / or second ... not in feet of film!
:-) So I made a grid with slightly different characteristics:
I used as the timebase 24 frames per second, as the classics, but while the traditional model covering four seconds of animation (96 frames), my it covers only 2. This is because at least I can print on single sheets of A4 paper and still have enough space to write in the lines.
My personal X-Sheet then contains 48 frames, equal to 2 seconds of animation .
I have also drawn a thick line every 12 frames, so you have a visual reminder every half second.
For the rest I kept the classical columns.
If someone might like, makes available a PDF file that I created: you can download it HERE .

finished his work "typography" I started back on the sheets I sketched the frames of animation on the sketch. I focused only on Tex (the light ball energy) and the first part of the sequence, or the entry into the scene of Pat: Which brings me to almost 9 seconds animation.
(I tried to scan the 5 sheets to allow you to see and comment on, but my scanner has decided not to cooperate and have come out unreadable images! As soon as I can get decent scans put them online)

I think that before you go ahead and prepare the subsequent sheets, abbozzerò this part of the computer to start arranging the timing ... is one thing to write it, it is one thing to see it! Also because I would be quite "safe" before proceeding. I think to make "scenes" or otherwise distinct but smaller pieces could be of help.

waiting to get back to work and tell you again my efforts, I greet you with a picture of Frank Thomas struggling (too!) with an X-sheet ... only that he was animating the mythical Robin Hood ... and two balls bouncing! :-)

you soon!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Feeling Sick With Electric Heaters

New design

With the new year came a new and comprehensive design for the blog!
me the inspiration came when my sister, that she is considering setting up a blog, asked me a hand to his place, and I noticed the new possibilities for the skin of bloggers.
I then decided to settle for the good blog and I have made many changes:

- modified the skin of the overall blog. I inserted a a bit 'wider to better accommodate the right column

- change your homepage by adding new buttons that you refer directly to the pages of the blog and a banner of welcome

- arranged pages "races" (add all the races of 2010 in google maps) and "statistics" (reset everything and ready for 2011)

idea to realize:

- ability to translate your blog with Google Translate (idea taken "on loan" from blog Giovannini)
- you collect all the maps of the races on a page dedicated

Good epiphany at all (although a bit late;)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Heather Brooke Little Sister Name


's final race takes place in the sylvester Pijnven Lommel Noord, the center is a small race and sports center to go to departure from there are to do well 3km walk! Arrival Departure already very tired and cold and despite the heel pain (I had gotten the day before accidentally kicking the foot alone) decide to leave, as during the long way to the departure had subsided.
The race starts in the worst way, did the first lantern! However, the foot begins to make me this lily, but I resist and go forward.
At 4
mistake again, the lantern stamp wrong but then I find myself leaving the point and go to the right, wrong again, even the 6th time is the distance error of trying before
expected, and at this point I decide to retire as I had not even a quarter of the race and I had already done 30min race.
Unfortunately, as a penance I touch
a long walk back to the center race, some 2km distance to the 6 + arrival (which was quite far away).
are exhausted at the end despite being only a few lantern

At the end of the race took place the final award of the Sylvester both me and Clare have been rewarded more for participation than for sporting merit, I 1, to 2 (and the 2nd has made only three races) and Clare (3 rd to 3, but still had a bit 'of foot pain )