Monday, May 31, 2010

:i-catcher Console -web Monitor

Pasta with arugula and walnuts

If you have little time to prepare a main dish, this recipe solves the problem. In my house the arugula and walnuts never fail, so on Saturday ... one day when I prepare lunch ... if the fridge is empty I prepare this dish.
Taken from a newsletter sent to me from the site moms & dads.

Ingredients for 3 people:
- 8 walnuts
- a bunch of heather
- 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan or Pecorino
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 clove of garlic
- salt
Lava and dry the arugula. Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces directly into a small bowl of food processor. Combine the crushed walnuts and shredded arugula. Add half a teaspoon of salt and start blending. Combine the oil and blend until a creamy mixture. Combine the cheese and blend to last for a short time, just enough to mix everything. Cook pasta, drain and add the creamy sauce of walnuts and arugula, mix well and garnish the dish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, walnuts and arugula leaves.
Drain the pasta and pour into a hot pan, where we have already put the cream with walnuts and arugula, add the cream and cook for 5 minutes.

I tried to do too rice with walnuts and arugula.

Rice, I simply boiled, then drained and seasoned with walnut cream and arugula.
If I get a chance to prepare a beef broth, toast the rice with a little oil and add the broth until cooked rice. Then add the cream with walnuts and arugula.

Friday, May 28, 2010

:i-catcher Console -web Monitor Bad

Turkey rolls

Yesterday I had the pleasure of having dinner with my sister, and for the occasion I made these turkey rolls. "Lo" I hope you liked them:)

8 slices of turkey breast
6 pork sausages 2 zucchini

cherry tomatoes
white wine salt


garlic 1 spoonful of flour
chives oregano

I took the slices of turkey cut fairly fine and I leaned over zucchini cut into fine strips for the length. Then I took the sausages, I removed the skin and I put on the zucchini. For each slice I put about 2 / 3 of sausage. I rolled and cut into two or three parts according to the size you want to give all'involtino.
I did heat the pan with a little water, little oil and a clove of garlic. Then I put put the rolls and I let them brown. Then I added the wine and let evaporate. I added salt and chives, rosemary and cherry tomatoes cut in four. In order to slightly thicken the sauce I added a spoonful of flour.
I let it cook for another 15 minutes and served.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What To Say In Arabic When Someone Engage

Sandwiches Laugenbrot

I can not pronounce the names of these sandwiches, but it should not matter so much to eat ... the particularity of cooking drew me, so I wanted to try it.
The recipe I found in the forum of Mary nessunonasceimparato in turn she has found on the forum for Gennaro.
In the forums you will find I mentioned that the preparation was made by the author of the recipe, as it will write here that I made.

Ingredients: 250g flour
0 00

250g flour 25g fresh yeast 270g water

1 tsp caster sugar 30g butter 10g of salt

salt or cumin (optional)
for the solution to the bicarbonate:
1000g of water (1 liter)
8 teaspoons baking soda 2 teaspoons salt

Sift flour.
Put half the quantity of flour in the mixer, add the crumbled yeast (instead of using 25 g of yeast that is a cube, I used half) and warm water, add sugar and start the machine. Allow the creamy sauce for 30 minutes.
Add the butter and salt. Knead for 10 minutes.
The dough is quite soft, but not add more flour.
Make a ball, sprinkle with flour and put it to rest in a covered bowl until doubled.
Boil water with salt and baking soda and Speg. Once risen, divide dough into 24 pieces (about 35-40 grams) and make into balls. Then dip in solution of water, baking soda and salt, for about half a minute. Put on a baking tray, drill cuttings to the surface, sprinkle to taste with salt and rosemary and cook for about 20-30 minutes in oven at 210 degrees.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Salicylic Acid Makes Skin More Sensitive

Monte Livata: eng final campionatu middle

Today Italian championships middle of the mountain Livata (Subiaco near Rome).

I qualified with the seventh place after a race quiet (see paper qualification) is now part in an excellent position in the middle of no stronger than I might disturb. I had as a goal post in the first 5 and the best time of my arrival.

I had a very good, I was focused and I quickly recovered some guys who went before me, then, though, I started feeling a pain in my knee and it went worse and worse, partly because of the last drawn only race where I could not pushing. I finally got 44min and 12 * with a bad mood.

there was a problem with the Garmin, I have not switched off after the race and I can not cut a piece of the path, then put the maps with the route drawn by paint:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Explain Popcorn Calories

05/10/2009 Monte Livata qual. Ita middle Championships: 10/05/2008

Championship qualifying Italian middle Livata upstream. I did the M16 which was 3.600m long with 145m of climb (I did 4.200m at a rate 'average 8min/km).
I was in group A and I got 7 with a time of 34min. I did a clean race with no errors but going slowly so as not to hurt me and to save the little energy. In my battery
won by Curzio 28min Scalet and cinnamon and a little later while in Battery B Bettega wins with 27 behind with Slanzi and Liva.

Throughout the race there was a light drizzle that did not give too much bother, we hope that tomorrow there is good weather.

Now let's go home to rest and prepare mentlmente x the final.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

30th Birthday Invitation Black And White

Villarbasse: Italian championships long / relay 1/2-05-10

This weekend there are the Italian championships long and sampled at Villarbasse relay mtb-o.

On Saturday and Sunday is the long relay. This time I went with my father and we just stayed in the gym there to Villarbasse.
Both the days I did the M16 category and both days I did not go very well (at least better than on Sunday, Saturday).

Saturday the race was 5.6 km long (and I've made almost 10km) I started well, very relaxed and without too many objectives (given the short training caused by the bad leg) but then I did a lot of mistakes and kept risisemare to lose time for the chain which promptly fell to each climb. I made perhaps the worst race of 2010 with mtb-o + 15 min of detachment from the 1st and so far from Pompele (which gave me 10 min +).

Sunday I did the M16 mixed with Piero Osti (boy panda who valsugana 3years younger than me but a bike is really good) and we arrived 2ndi behind the fantastic couple-Bettega Bettega. I changed to the third but then Piero has overtaken the 2nd of factional jpt-mate Samuel Curzio, and we arrived 2ndi.

Here are two maps of the mine locations: