Sunday, May 2, 2010

30th Birthday Invitation Black And White

Villarbasse: Italian championships long / relay 1/2-05-10

This weekend there are the Italian championships long and sampled at Villarbasse relay mtb-o.

On Saturday and Sunday is the long relay. This time I went with my father and we just stayed in the gym there to Villarbasse.
Both the days I did the M16 category and both days I did not go very well (at least better than on Sunday, Saturday).

Saturday the race was 5.6 km long (and I've made almost 10km) I started well, very relaxed and without too many objectives (given the short training caused by the bad leg) but then I did a lot of mistakes and kept risisemare to lose time for the chain which promptly fell to each climb. I made perhaps the worst race of 2010 with mtb-o + 15 min of detachment from the 1st and so far from Pompele (which gave me 10 min +).

Sunday I did the M16 mixed with Piero Osti (boy panda who valsugana 3years younger than me but a bike is really good) and we arrived 2ndi behind the fantastic couple-Bettega Bettega. I changed to the third but then Piero has overtaken the 2nd of factional jpt-mate Samuel Curzio, and we arrived 2ndi.

Here are two maps of the mine locations:


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