Friday, March 19, 2010

Where Can Buy Big Tare Panda Plush Toy

Now we ...

On the eve of the March 21 debut Ferrara tremble a little 'legs (and rightly so ... it would be stupid not to feel a bit' of emotion) and, as usual, there will be something we have forgotten.
What is ready, however, gives us security
1. a formidable band: a mixture of young hopefuls and solid certainties, capable of up / stand our voices at times a bit 'wavering
2. staff an unparalleled technical ...
sound and lights that soothe us even in the few cm2 of the stage of Sala Estense
precious people ... behind the stage that makeup, dress, send in the scene at the right time beyond our chronic leakage mess
3. our taste of fun together over the years, physical problems, social roles.

These three ingredients are the foundation of the recipe Articiock, the basis on which to spread the jam to make a good pie: text, gestures, actions and songs to share with the public-with the magic of wanting to have fun with a little 'd 'irony.


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