Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wallpaper One-piece Swimsuit

Tulips ...

How are demanding these sisters!
My loves tulips and I specifically asked a center for his bedside table, the tulips and absolutely pink! How
not settle ... so I invented the design of this center, I found the right materials, and here's what came out!

The materials I used were: donkey, tulle and embroidery thread that I created with opaque tape and I used to embroider ...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Movies Free En Espanol

tasty morsels of meat

few days ago I tasted for the first time the burrata, which I bought fresh from my friend Lucy, and I'm in love!
all those beautiful cream that it is out ... I could not eat all ... it would go threw!
But I had an idea, I kept and I used to make the sauce with these tidbits ...

tasty morsels of meat
350 g of minced meat
50 g of cooked ham 1 egg

50 g of bacon abundant coppata
breadcrumbs salt to taste

parsley chives
half a glass of white wine
3 tablespoons of tomato sauce
3 tablespoons fresh cream liquid

I cut into small pieces cooked ham and I joined the ground, I added the egg, parsley, salt and finally the bread crumbs enough to have a mixture quite compact.
I formed into balls slightly elongated, which I wrapped with bacon cup. With the fresh chives I tied my balls to gift wrapping. M have gotten 12. I try to
not possibly do the cooking fries, so I put a pan of water heated (due to non-stick pans should not be heated without liquid) once I removed the hot water and put the pieces of meat. I made them brown on both sides and then I poured the wine. I left grade, and finally I added the tomato sauce and cream. I cook for a few minutes and then I added a few tablespoons of oil.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mustafa Singapore Gold Rate Per Gram

Still lemons ....

I'm in the term "lemon" so my sweet during this period that the main ingredient ...
These lemon squares are born from the union of a couple of sweets unearthed in my cookbook ... a is the pastry with oil and the other are the squares of shortbread with lemon that I found in the forum is the author Gennarino Cristina654.
This is because ... not having the butter needed to make the shortbread, I used the pastry with oil, I added a layer of strawberry jam and lemon trees and finally the lemon cream, which provided the recipe for Cristina.
It came out this trick pretty good ... very good indeed ...

Squares with lemon and strawberry jam

oil For the pastry: 300 g flour
70g sugar, 1 egg
50 ml of peanut oil
20 g soft butter
grated lemon peel
I put all the ingredients into Thermomix speed 3-4 until the crumbs are formed. I poured everything into a bowl and I shrunk the crumbs, then put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
I got a 20x20 square tin and I've lined with parchment paper, on which I laid out the pastry to create a vertical edge. I put a nice layer of strawberry jam and lemon and cook in oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
raggreddare oven and leave while you prepare the lemon cream to put on.

Ingredients for the lemon cream:
150 g sugar, 2 eggs
80 ml of lemon juice (about two lemons),
grated rind of 1 lemon,

25 g flour 1 pinch of salt Powdered sugar for garnish

Beat eggs with sugar, add lemon juice and grated rind, add flour and salt.
Pour the cream on the strawberry jam and bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool on a rack, sprinkle with powdered sugar and then cut into squares.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Magnification To Look At Cells

cake frosted with lemon

This recipe I found on the blog Imma "sweet go go" ... The original recipe pervedeva sour cream, as amended by Imma using yogurt greek ... I have further modified using the strawberry yogurt, but there would be just as well as lemon-flavored cake for a more lemonade. The lemon glaze it is really so, then write it like I did ....
spongy and delicate ...

cake frosted with lemon
150 g of whole eggs (3 medium eggs) at room temperature
150 g sugar 75 g melted butter

150 g flour "00"
150 g of strawberry yogurt (or lemon)
a little lemon zest
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
5 g (1 teaspoon) of baking
a pinch of salt
For the lemon glaze: 100 g
25-30 ml lemon juice
strawberry jam

Mix the yogurt with the vanilla extract, juice and zest of lemon and salt. Beat eggs with sugar until very light and fluffy mass (10-12 minutes), incorporate the mixture of yogurt, taking care not to overwork the whole. Add the flour sifted with baking powder, incorporating it gently with a spatula (always moves from bottom to top). Finally, add the cooled melted butter thread, continuing to work the dough with a spatula, always gently. Pour the batter into a round pan (20-22 cm) buttered and floured and bake in preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 45 minutes or convection oven at 160 ° for 30-35 minutes, or until the cake will not be gold surface and dry inside. Put on a plate and let cool on a rack. Prepare the glaze by adding lemon juice to powdered sugar, if necessary adjust the consistency by adding a little sugar or a few drops of lemon at a time; the frosting should be smooth enough to spread on its own but at the same time, should not be so liquid as to be transparent. Pour all the glaze in the center of the cake and allow it to go sideways. I decorated with drops of strawberry jam.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Name Parts Of Pirate Ship

Pasta with mushrooms and sausage peas

Very easy and delicious, I propose a version a little more than diet ... diet, less heavy, although the presence of the sausage is a bit difficult to call her diet and not very heavy.

The quantity is very eye, and very tastefully.
Peas Mushrooms
1 sausage 1 clove garlic
vegetable broth 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon flour
In a pan, add the mushrooms with the garlic and peas. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and some vegetable broth, I add that if the base dries out during cooking. After about ten minutes, add the sausage into small pieces (crushed with a fork) and let it cook. Meanwhile, I cook the pasta (fusilli or penne) and in the meantime, mix 1 cup whole milk with 1 tablespoon of flour to the pan and let it cook to thicken slightly. Once the cooked pasta to the pan with the sauce and let thicken, until you see that milk has become creamy. Serve and enjoy:)

Thirsty But When I Drink Stomach Upset

Triptych with lace Romania

When I finished the first centerpiece, with this technique, I'm really into ... so I did other work, for example, this triptych is in my room. My room is modern with a light oak dresser (flap) of old, but this triptych goes very well with the modern style with lace at the finish.
This is the center that is on the dresser ...

and that on the night ...

particular angle ...

The design of I made it this triptych, inspired by various works I've seen the magazine rakam.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Diagrames Of Overhead Projector

rustic tart with zucchini

E '... she always pretended to puff Lory, this time in rustic pie.

Ingredients for filling: 2-3
zucchini onion

100 grams of ham

half smoked mozzarella to taste 1 egg

The fake dough is what I have already posted several times. I covered a cake square by 22-25cm from the side, spreading to about 5mm thick.
For the filling: In a pan
I put the zucchini onion and cut into julienne strips and extra virgin olive oil, which I cook for about ten minutes. A fire spend I added the ham cut into small pieces and smoked cheese cut into cubes.
Finally I mix with an egg beaten previously.
I poured the filling on the pastry and cooked in an oven at 200 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Halfway through cooking, sprinkle the surface with the diced mozzarella.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wine Heart Palpitation

The fake sweet pastry ...

Unfortunately or fortunately I'm in love ... so this time I farcina half the pasta with sausage and half the apricot jam with my mom.
This is the result:

also excellent in sweet version ... the next day, cold, were good and not dry.
Here is the recipe already posted (author Lory, blogs with the spice merchant changes Adriano blog smell of baking powder)

Ingredients: 250g flour 00
250g soft butter 160g ricotta
2 large pinch of salt

Sift flour with salt, we combine the ricotta and the butter. Stir with a fork and then with your hands (as for pastry), until the crumbs.
crumbs in plastic wrap, and helping with this, mass and form a compact rectangle.
Let rest in refrigerator for a couple of hours. Place the dough on a lightly floured pastry board and rolling pin with stendiamolo, folding the dough over itself several times and then stretched again.
Now stendiamolo thin, ca. 2 - 3mm farciamolo as we want, in this case with jam abicocche. I rolled and I like the puffs sprinkled with brown sugar.
Bake at 200 ° until the dough is golden brown.
Sfogliatelle sweet version, filled with hazelnut cream.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hands Aching Due To Cold

Grandmothers teach ....

Thanks to my grandmother I learned to do this kind of work, yet I did not understand what it's called ... it sure is lace-like renaissance, but instead of using the Renaissance lace, you use a cord that called humpback and crochet straps.

This is a centerpiece made from an old schema of the journal Rakam, my grandma found some time ago, and when I showed him I immediately fell in love and I wanted to learn how to do it!

some details ...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sample Letter Wedding Inquiry

O-Marathon 2010

This year I attended with my father or m-marathon in the junior category.

This year the race started from step consistent across all the paper and then move to step coe card serrada Through a technology transfer on paper.

I than with the others in my class competed against my company (my father and Alexandria).
Unlike last year, however, there was little butterfly wings at the beginning and then you find yourself always all, in fact I did most of the race with my father and Alessandra.

At some point in the race but looking forward I realized that they no longer wrist watch, and then I went back looking for him and after 15-20 minutes of research I found it (for luck). But now I was tired (xi even facts x 150m climb to retrieve the Garmin) and I decided to arrival abbandonarea 10 points (out of 34 total).

Ps: I write from the phone xchè are to the lake by a friend of mine. I will return and settle down qnd article maps with routes

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tools Needed To Carve Pinewood

tasty tomatoes

always my mother tomatoes in the summer we presented them this way:

A summer side dish and tasty!

Tomatoes Tomatoes

tasty tuna mayonnaise

to decorate: basil, Gaeta olives.
Wash and slice the tomatoes horizontally, forming slices no thicker than 2 cm.
Season with salt and extra virgin olive oil
In a small dish mix the tuna (private of its oil) with mayonnaise, to create a creamy sauce that is then spread over the tomatoes.
Garnish with basil leaves and Gaeta olives.
If you like you can decorate with slices of boiled eggs.

Friday, June 11, 2010

What Happened To Kates Playground Hardcore 2010

roses ... ... more Summer Salad

Magnet decorated with roses made of the same curtain fabric, embellished with golden cords and blacks.

I've made two of these magnets for my sister in law, to take up his tent in the living room.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kates Playground First Pic

A nice salad of green beans, potatoes, eggs and fresh tomatoes ... ... ... accompanied by a nice muffin dish for hot summer nights!

summer salad of green beans

potatoes green beans cherry tomatoes


Gaeta olives, salt, oil, vinegar

quantities for this recipe are very approximate, it is very to taste, however, usually about 500 g of boiled beans and 2 medium potatoes, 2 eggs and firms.
Then wash and cut the tomatoes into quarters, put the potatoes cut into cubes and green beans. Condisto all with very little oil, salt and vinegar, and add the olives Gaeta. Finally I put the eggs slowly over the vegetables. Before serving, stir the salad also incorporating the eggs.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cannot Snowboard Bandana

Rose Fabric

In a review of furniture I saw an advertisement for a company that sold tents, representing just a tent revival in the middle with a waterfall of roses and buds. Furthermore, in a small box was the detail of this "bunch of fabric flowers." I wanted to try playing it, do it just the same I knew that I would have never succeeded, but from that picture as inspiration, I created this:

The tent that is harvested in the middle with this "bunch of roses is in pink linen. I chose firm tends to achieve this by using two colors: white and pink. The roses I have made with fabrics of different texture, so I used a white silk, a white satin, white tulle, pink linen (clippings of the same tent), cotton rose. It consists of 5 two linen pink roses, two white silk and a is the largest center of silk linen. I added the petals with all kinds of stuff I listed. I put strings of white and pink, and white piping. Finally I realized the Mappin both short and long with a linen thread. All these elements have them sewn on a base of rectangular fabric reinforced with fisilina. The media then I stopped on the tent with the safety pins, not the best (even if you do not see at all, you should turn the tent to see them), but unfortunately this creation was born from a photo, so I could not really see how it was done and how they stopped everything to the tent ...