Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nerves That Are Twisted


persevering in my idea of \u200b\u200b start with the basics, I'm trying strutturami a path of effective learning ... a program of my self-being in order not to make the classic mistake: to get caught by the enthusiasm and jumping too quickly to the more complex aspects of the animation.
comparing the various books, various online courses (including Animation Mentor) and blogs scattered all over the web, I thought of a lineup of topics and exercises, at least for this initial phase.

I think the entire course is divided into three areas that I can pursue simultaneously, depending on the mood and desires of the moment: some "theoretical" general knowledge on the subject (including pure and simple personal interest and curiosity), a part of free-hand drawing (also useful for those who do 3D, I learned at my expense doing modeling ...) and the proportion of actual animation.
Maybe I'm exaggerating ... maybe I'm giving this a too strict or pompous ... but I think it's worth a try!

So here is "tried and tested" program Path Animation! :-)


- animation History: Through readings, videos, DVD ... to learn more about the greats of the past, what they did and why even today many things are done a certain way
- TTT (Technical and traditional terminology) :-): Although my personal taste directs me to the animation 3D, I think it's useful to know the traditional systems, procedures, techniques ...


- "Pure" (I do not know what to call it) copy ... copy ... invent ... unlock your hand, remove the rust, dissolve the tract ...
- Anatomy : deepening the anatomy ... I never attended art school where I was seriously taught. I do not want to become a teacher, but at least the basics to understand especially as we are divided and how do we move.
- Expressive : copy (drawings, photos or live) poses or expressions of interest, try to exaggerate them as if I were to play them in animated cartoons.

ANIMATION (in that order)

- Timing & Spacing: ("It's in the aaaaaal tiiiminnng .... aaaand innn the spaaaaciinnnng!")
- Bouncing balls : single, different weights, rolling
- Bouncing ball "live" (I do not know how else to call it): exercises on anticipation, squash & stretch. First attempts to give the ball movement and a life of its own, not only then falls by gravity.
- Archi : to reproduce natural movement exercises, banked curves.
- Overlapping actions: first steps ... add a tail to the ball and move it in a meaningful way.

For the animation will continue to Flipbook exercises in order to understand the principles, but gradually begin to bring it in 3dsmax or Maya 3D (in this regard, if you know some nice rig you're welcome! I'd rather use something ready and tested rather than trying to do something I ... also because the rigging is an area that I find rather confusing and not very pleasing)

I am well aware of the fact that I'm embarking on something crazy maybe ... but no matter: as I said earlier, is worth a try ... and do things right!

I leave you with a video taken from "The Jungle Book": I love the dialogue between Kaa and Shere Khan! :-)
the next!


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