Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Color Is Blood When You Pop You

Bouncing Ball Bouncing Ball 1 2

second year ... other ball!
:-) I loved the movement along the X and then doing the most classic of animation ...
I'm back sketched out the sequence on paper to decide how many frames to put where.

I tried to apply the suggestion of R. Williams, or to "stretch" the ball only to squash the previous frame and give her the contact with the ground already, so as to enhance the moment.
Here is the result ...

(Edit: thanks to Magma Dropbox ... I did not know!)

already known some of my things:

1 - I Like the very first fall : I added a frame over the paper pattern to make it smoother, but still does not convince me

2 - to frame 24 and still at 28 frames a well-known 'acceleration

I also doubt has arisen concerning the charts ... I will try to explain it ...
The classic bouncing ball accelerates as it falls, stretch it slightly, then is crushed when it touches the ground.
That is to say, I expect a chart like this:

But in the version of the frame Williams 6 and 7 are much shorter, because the ball touches the ground already in the frame 6 ... then the chart would be like?!? Type
this ...?!?

But it suggests to me that the ball slows the end ... which is wrong ...
Something I do not go back ...

soon!! :-)


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