Friday, December 31, 2010

I-dressup Account Hack

X-Tex & Pat

It 's been a long time last post ...

Maybe you have thought that I have already bored and has left my good intentions ... :-)
No, do not worry ... it's just that I had a period a little 'messed up and the evening did not have enough charge to put me to work on the PC.
However, I continued to read and "me culture" on the topic animation, while I was thinking about next year and work.

I do not dare to leave the bouncing balls, so I thought I'd do it this way: I'll tell you a brief history of Pat and Tex !
Or try to make a short animation with two balls protagonists: Tex, small and sleek ... and Pat, slow and heavy. There will be an acting really basic, relying only on the motion of two spheres ... but I think it's a good exercise in timing and spacing ... or trying to make weight and character of two objects.
If the outcome is good, I will then add a tail to Tex, in order to start working on secondary movements and even overlapping.

I'm starting to plan animation ... even before the details "technical" I concentrated on the of "character design", or the character I want to try to shine, and based on some sort of script.
My plan is to not improvise anything !
not want to overdo it ... probably the whole animation will last no longer than 30 seconds ...
not know yet if done in 2D or 3D ... Maybe I'll leave with 2D and then reproduce it in any 3D software will be convincing only when ... but I'm not quite sure yet.
Aprima For completeness I enclose a page of notes I jotted down.
(click to enlarge)

We'll work a bit today ', then I shall take advantage of the next days although Monday is back to work!
hope that the 2011 (among many other things I need) to bring me a nice improvement in this field, I wish all those who read me a good year! :-)

you soon!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Confimation Id For Visa Appiontmant

Sylvester Sylvester: Sylvester

Dag 3:

The third race in the Netherlands on the map of "Grote Heide Zuid", quite a distance from our apartment, we suffer all this race too soon and we should get up first usual. During the journey to the center of the race but we take the freeway by mistake and then we end up in a middle lane dead end and we must come to the junction of highways following the first can leave, well short in the end we arrive late, get ready quickly and we start running at the start.
My father would have had to go after me is the first to arrive at the start and then 2 min part before me (we have all just arrived from there since the start punching). At 2 ^
lantern I see my father strolling in the middle of a meadow, I move in its direction (from the right hand, I was going!) And I lose a minute while my father disappeared into thin air, just punzano lantern comes from the opposite side also he had moved too. Now the race distance and we meet again.
The rest of the race was a "follow the tracks!" and I did not like very well because in the end there was to do 5-6 huge lanterns in a field where I got really cold.

I finished the race with a time of 1h 15m coming 2nd (the first it took 58min) even this race was about 8.2 km marked by garmin

Dag 4:

Today's race was quite close map of "De Bosbergen Herentals in Belgium.
Like all races, except the first, it was long, but the ground was less snow and more corribile. 6min
I started at my father and I passed the 8 and then not see him anymore.
Today I just made a clean race and for the first time this Sylvester I was able to run enough. I
managed to close the race in time, 58mim 10min from the first, I marked the garmin 7.8km.

now lacks only the last race, but it is already sure I'll be first in the overall standings as the only one who has made at least 4 results.

HERE you can find all the results of sylvester

Donation Letter Request For Chuich

3-4 Dag: Dag 1-2

It 's only December 26 and although we traveled all day on Christmas to achieve the goal, we are already in the white Belgian forests to run!

Dag 1: The first

race card "Houterenberg Tessenderlo" and we are among the last to leave, we can sleep a little more and rest after your stay but above all this will benefit us in the choices of location, are present many tracks in the snow.
The temperature is around 2 / 3 degrees but not very cold pproblema is the only snow that comes in and freezes appertutto feet and legs.
As mentioned my father and I are in the same category and we always start a little distant from each other. For this race the first part of my father and then I 4min behind.
quiet part of thinking just to do my race focusing without fail. Shortly after the first lantern I take my father no longer detach until the end.
I'm happy with my race, cleaner and error-free, too bad that the snow has slowed me a lot.

Of the 4 members only am I party, however, conclude the race with a good 50'27''about 6:35 km marked by garmin

Dag 2:

The second race is a bit later than the first and is on the paper "De Keiheuvel Balen" in Unlike the first day are the first to leave the trail and then I'll make the first tracks in the snow, my father behind me part of 12min.
's specialty is long, 6500m, and it's really a tough race! pate in the middle of a huge paper there is a huge pratone full of knee-high snow, which must pass three times!
create their passage through the snow is really hard and after the first loop in the meadow are already tired, in fact mistake immediately after losing the lantern 11 well-5min.
The rest of the race I pulled ahead and chilled and exhausted at the end I almost recovered my father!
Like the day before are the only party, my final time is 1h 20min (I did not want the issuer but does not disqualify me I showed them the time on the garmin and have really added that!) About 8.2 km marked from Garmin.
Luckily at the end of the race I had a nice warm shower to me!

HERE you can find all the results of sylvester

Archery Bow Ireland Customs

start over

Unfortunately, due to problems in school and not feel like I have not written on the blog. It is a few months to try to persuade me to return to write on the blog and now I decided to start right where I started: the Sylvester!

This year, for the third time, we decided to take part in the Sylvester in Belgium (5 days of racing that takes place every winter), this time we are the only Italians and to get a bit 'of competition between us at least we decided to enroll in classes with the same path: the path my father and I n • 3 (h18 and h45, respectively) and my mother and clear the path n • 5 (d40 and d16).

Here in Belgium there are well-30cm of snow and the temperature hovers around 0 degrees. Luckily the house is warm and spacious, we have the internet connection and the laptop where we can see the trails with the Garmin.

For now, that's enough to write short articles on the races by entering maps and routes ... Happy holidays to all!

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Bandana Snowboarding

Happy holidays to all

Hello everyone, I just got back to reading my blog after so long, unfortunately I have no internet connection at home, so will not be able to enter my recipes for a while yet.
Today I take this opportunity to wish for the new year to all those who shall pass on my blog, a special wish to my grandmother who is ill, with the hope he gets better soon so I can review the grandchildren and great grandchildren . "Grandma you have to do it" xxx

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Piaggio Zip 50cc Tyre Pressures

Bouncing Balls - "Things I've learned"

Without of course the presumption of being exhaustive, shooting a bit 'sums after these many years on the bouncing balls! I will definitely
other, maybe I'll try to animate some 3D software, I will probably exercise some "acting" of the ball using all these as a base, but I thought it might be useful to do a quick review and fine tune some of the concepts ... Here is what
I learned!

1 - Planning!
not improvise, at least not at first ... Make a chart, the animation sketches on paper ... scored the spacing! Do not leave it to chance!

always the first thing first, a simple blocking with only key frames, and contact brakdown / passing ... add gradually to give fluidity. After having sketched
slows ...! Perhaps you've gone too fast!

accelerates and slows down gradually ... the spacing is the key to everything!

Mandala play forward and in reverse ... watch it in "ping pong" to find other errors! In contrast many known defects that would not have noticed!

5 - KEEP THE VOLUME! Especially if
sketches ... goes "sketch" to trim when timing and spacing, but if the volumes are not constant, the final effect will be far worse!

The trajectories are curved! Especially in tight corners do not create sharp eye as well!

7 - It takes time when you stop!
For example, in the top of the parables of bounce ... if you have to make the idea that the ball will stop for a while before falling back, do it really slow ... so that no nsia an abrupt stop. Spend the right amount of cushioning to this frame!

Clearly these rules are not at face value and certainly not write a book! :-) Let's say you are
my reasoning, the result of the issues I have come across during these basic animations. Already
... Basic ... the road is still long! But as
R. Williams ... we start with the basics, ... and then build layer upon layer!

you soon!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Genital Warts Mosquito Bite

Bouncing Ball 6 - polish

flight arrives at a new update of the animation!
I have been pointed out (by prodigal McAge RG) that there was something wrong with the speed of rotation on the middle floor (from frame 73) and rebounds after the inclined plane.
Initially I had a little 'difficulty in understanding what is wrong and how to act ... and I also really hard to make me account I of the problem.
Then I remembered some advice I had read long ago: see your animations on the contrary !
So I sent in forward play and forth ... back and forth ... and actually seeing it in reverse, I noticed acceleration and deceleration evident that normally could not imagine so clearly.
I then corrected in this way:

1 - I added a frame to the rotation (which now ranges from 74 to 80 frames).

2 - I deleted 2 frames (those of cushioning closer to the vertex of the parabola at frame 98) and adjusted the spacing of those around in order to speed up slightly after the first bounce along the inclined plane.

The new version is so this ... hope will be further improved!


Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Usb Cam In Yahoo Messenger

2 Bouncing Ball 6 - polish

And finally we (or at least I hope !)... :-)
After days and days I have come to pass "final " (the quotes are a must) of my animated bouncing ball.
Compared to the previous version I kept constant volume, using the old frame as rough.
I also added a line to the circle diameter to simulate the rotation : it was very simple and not quite sure of the result, but it was a proof that I wanted to do.
but omitting the talk and here is the fruit of my labors!

I am sure that there is still room for improvement, but I'm thinking of switching to another exercise (provided that this animation Elmen can boast the title of "acceptable ")...
I do not do to hurry or overestimation of my ability ... but simply to "move on" in the belief that he still treated as the basic concepts on which I worked so far: time and practice will serve to refine them, but in any case and comments criticisms are always welcome and do not rule out absolutely the right to make further adjustments if I will be mentioned.

Very soon I will also analyze all the exercises carried out so far on bouncing balls and, as announced, will write the summary of "things I learned: I think may be useful for local mind and clarify concepts.

you soon!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rechargeable Emergency Light Repair

beginner's mistake

No. .. not disappeared, nor do I have left my job!
I'm developing my animation: I'm currently cleaning up everything, so far designed using frames as the basis to maintain the same volume of the ball.
In fact maybe I'm cheating, since I'm copincollando the same circle (handmade), but with the mini-tablet I just can not make good looking all the same!
Apart from the feast day that I allowed myself yesterday, I am a bit 'busy in the evening and then an hour and a half I can not stand ... I hope to finish the job tomorrow!
Meanwhile I found this clip on the Internet is the DVD of Richard Williams, in which we are talking about my most common mistake: too fast timing.
now I learned my lesson ... after studying the timing, be convinced that it is still too fast
:-) Enjoy it!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Windows 7 Treiber Creativ Extigy

Bouncing Ball 6 - WIP 5

the weekend hit, with all its relentless charge of idleness !
So this update is a little 'less and less of the previous ...
I finished drawing all inbetweens the ball trying to respect the better than the spacing of my chart.
The result is not bad, although far from perfect.
Now my plan is to see him several times and make the final corrections to this "rough" before moving to the rotation and the final cleaning.
Here where we stand right now ...

doing these exercises I have encountered many difficulties and I learned several things I'm pinning everything ... I would like, at the end of the cycle on the bouncing ball, make a nice summary post titled "Things I've learned .

In the meantime I leave you with one last link-tip: some "webinars" Animation Mentor of predictability that are freely on the internet ... there is a bit 'to suit all tastes.
Animation Mentor Webinaries

Enjoy it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Where To Buy A Hidden Blade Toy

Bouncing Ball 6 - WIP 4

continued processing of the animation of the bouncing ball ...
In this new version I made 3 substantive corrections:

1 - I decreased the height reached rebounds in No. 4 5 and 6 (at 65 frames 70 and 73): this is because after the third bounce there seemed to be a sort of acceleration or thrust upward. Subsequent lowering and adjusting a bit 'the spacing I think I got a better effect.
I had many doubts about the number of frames needed to bounce No. 4 (from frame 62 to frame 68): I thought I'd make it as long as the deal prior to the acceleration ... but the effect was negative ... at the same time covering less space, and then the ball was too slow.
the end the best solution was to leave unchanged the number of frames (each bounce generally lasts always less than the previous two frames: one for the ascent and one for the descent. This also applies to the final ground level).

2 - I added a frame rolling in the interim (before falling on the inclined plane)

3 - I changed the spacing the second fall (from shelf to slope) to accentuate the acceleration

diagram / chart of the new version then this (changes in red):

In Flipbook I also designed a few frames here and there, especially in the parables, for greater fluidity in play and make me more aware of the movement. Unfortunately, with a blocking end I can not understand too well what does not.
Hoping that things have improved but this is the new version!

you soon! :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Russians Vladmodels Free

Bouncing Ball 6 - WIP 3 (restart)

I got a bit 'of interesting comments about the wip 2 of the bouncing ball.
The main problems identified are:
- busted spacing (leading to speed is too variable from one point to another)
- strange trajectory (especially in the early fall)
- constant volume of the ball and more general lack of cleanliness tract

admit that the last point is caused by my carelessness: I paid little attention to that aspect convinced that "both then pass to 3D and not have to hand draw ... but in fact is the wrong approach.
So I started to think about where and how to make corrections ...
I looked a bit 'in order to study a real ball bounces ... I looked at the parabolic trajectory on the internet ... and I concluded that it would be unnecessary and complicated to go to correct the various frames ...
Much better to reschedule the animation again and start from scratch !

I started drawing the path on the printed the new background ... I then placed the frame key (usually the contact and the top of the parables) ... I then marked with notches different frames, to highlight what were the brakdown.
Using the picture up here as a guide, I designed these frames in Flipbook, gradually adding more to make the movement a bit 'more fluid and see if the whole thing would work.

Then I stopped ... for today I have a kind of "blocking " of my soul ... I work pay for those few frames before moving on to design all the others.

C & C are welcome! :-)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Write A Baby Welcome Letter

Bouncing Ball 6 - WIP 2

Second evening dedicated to the bouncing ball with multiple drops, waiting to be inherent rolling ...
I looked and concern the WIP-1 trying to grasp all the things that were not working well ...
flaws more obvious, in my opinion, were:

1 - Timing wrong: too fast at times and the speed is too uneven from one point to another.

2 - Trajectories wrong: some were too long or too short, others too "angular".

I started to correct the timing. But this time I could not work on paper, because the only way I've found to understand where and how to fix the animation was "in play", piece by piece, looking at her on screen I could say "ok ... here are 2 more frames ...

The trajectories have been a lot of changes: among other things, as they make the speed less discontinuous, even the various trajectories had to be heavily adjusted.
the end I completely redesigned the part of the inclined plane on, in addition to correcting the first bounce and the second great fall.
Basically it is almost nothing left of the previous version!

:-) So here is the result of the work today

are more satisfied with the outcome this time, but I'm sure that watching it again and again something pops up that needs a touch up.
As always, I ask anyone who wants pleasure and an opinion in order to adjust more and more shooting! ;-)

Bye bye!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Green Pink Polka Dot Weddings

Bouncing Ball 6 - WIP 1

I went back to ' animation!
:-) At this point I decided to start working on rolling the ball, putting up a scene slightly more complex .

The ball starts to move up one level and then falls a few times: I originally designed the usual diagram on paper already there trying to decide timing and spacing.

I met immediately 2 problems, I carry forward from the start:

1 - Decide on the timing : does not seem conceptually difficult (boing. .. .. boing ... boing boing, boing, boingboing: -))
but imagine the real time, or at least credible, it is more complicated than I thought.

2 - Divide decent space at the points where the ball rolls accelerating or decelerating (eg top) decided that it takes 20 frames to reach the edge of the table, mark the intermediate effect giving a smooth and pleasant easing out is not immediate: sometimes they move away too much and I have only space for the last ... sometimes I keep them too close to the top and then added with the number 19 too far ... In short, there is a general rule that helps in this case?

After a while 'I put together the first draft of the animation, which you can see below: there is no slowdown in the final round and appear where you see the red X not move me at all.

The problem I faced on the timing already on paper, here we have grown stronger ... I realized (and it is not the first time) that I tend to speed up time ... seeing the ball in motion I understand it takes a lot longer than planned because the movement looks natural.
inbetweens fact I had to add here and there. There is still

lot of work to do on this animation, when the falls it seems okay to add a line pass "diameter" to perceive the ball rolling ...

C & C welcomes! :-)

you soon!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Solid Mensuration Inscribed Circle

Muscles Flash!

Another evening spent away (so far!) From the monitor and not dedicated to animation in the strict sense ...
through the book "Rough Justice " or collection of pencil sketches of Alex Ross (American illustrator mainly dedicated to the DC superheroes), I felt like a copy.

(maybe this was my ... in fact years ago I played with watercolors and now hangs in the room ... maybe one day I'll show it!)

However, while choosing which among the many, I thought I'd use it as a basis to begin to study a bit 'our body structure
I have always admired the paintings (because it is simplistic to call them vignettes) by Alex Ross ... is one of my absolute favorite designers, I love the sense of realism and puissance of his characters ... In my library are honored place in several of her graphic novels (including a fantastic edition of absolute American Kingdom Come) and the two volumes dedicated to him (Rough Justice memo and Mythology).

I do not think the designer best suited to be copied to play exaggerated poses, dynamic ... I've always found it very statuesque ... but anatomically flawless (even with reasonable increases muscle typical superhero!). This is why I chose his design for a poster of Flash I copied and not trying to match the design, costume, expression, etc. ... but rather using it as a basis for understanding where and how they are placed form joints and muscles. All
using " Atlas of Human Anatomy for the artist " as a guide for the shape of the muscles.

Without claiming to have fallen into too much detail or to have made a great drawing, this is the fruit of my work ...

As always criticism and suggestions are welcome :-)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nerves That Are Twisted


persevering in my idea of \u200b\u200b start with the basics, I'm trying strutturami a path of effective learning ... a program of my self-being in order not to make the classic mistake: to get caught by the enthusiasm and jumping too quickly to the more complex aspects of the animation.
comparing the various books, various online courses (including Animation Mentor) and blogs scattered all over the web, I thought of a lineup of topics and exercises, at least for this initial phase.

I think the entire course is divided into three areas that I can pursue simultaneously, depending on the mood and desires of the moment: some "theoretical" general knowledge on the subject (including pure and simple personal interest and curiosity), a part of free-hand drawing (also useful for those who do 3D, I learned at my expense doing modeling ...) and the proportion of actual animation.
Maybe I'm exaggerating ... maybe I'm giving this a too strict or pompous ... but I think it's worth a try!

So here is "tried and tested" program Path Animation! :-)


- animation History: Through readings, videos, DVD ... to learn more about the greats of the past, what they did and why even today many things are done a certain way
- TTT (Technical and traditional terminology) :-): Although my personal taste directs me to the animation 3D, I think it's useful to know the traditional systems, procedures, techniques ...


- "Pure" (I do not know what to call it) copy ... copy ... invent ... unlock your hand, remove the rust, dissolve the tract ...
- Anatomy : deepening the anatomy ... I never attended art school where I was seriously taught. I do not want to become a teacher, but at least the basics to understand especially as we are divided and how do we move.
- Expressive : copy (drawings, photos or live) poses or expressions of interest, try to exaggerate them as if I were to play them in animated cartoons.

ANIMATION (in that order)

- Timing & Spacing: ("It's in the aaaaaal tiiiminnng .... aaaand innn the spaaaaciinnnng!")
- Bouncing balls : single, different weights, rolling
- Bouncing ball "live" (I do not know how else to call it): exercises on anticipation, squash & stretch. First attempts to give the ball movement and a life of its own, not only then falls by gravity.
- Archi : to reproduce natural movement exercises, banked curves.
- Overlapping actions: first steps ... add a tail to the ball and move it in a meaningful way.

For the animation will continue to Flipbook exercises in order to understand the principles, but gradually begin to bring it in 3dsmax or Maya 3D (in this regard, if you know some nice rig you're welcome! I'd rather use something ready and tested rather than trying to do something I ... also because the rigging is an area that I find rather confusing and not very pleasing)

I am well aware of the fact that I'm embarking on something crazy maybe ... but no matter: as I said earlier, is worth a try ... and do things right!

I leave you with a video taken from "The Jungle Book": I love the dialogue between Kaa and Shere Khan! :-)
the next!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wake Up With Testicle Pain Tangle

Bouncing Ball Bouncing Ball 4 5

Nic01A RenderGlobal pointed out to me by some and spacing problem in the general form of trajectory of the ball lightly.
So this evening I saw a little 'and everything changed several things: 1

- I changed the spacing of the first fall, especially in the final frames

2 - I gave a parabolic trajectory to the ball, this forced me to reconsider the spacing in different parts (mainly frame around the top of each dish) and move, albeit slightly, the point of impact with the ground in a couple of points.

3 - I deleted a sharp acceleration in the initial movement of the heavy ball, when it is still on the floor above. Now it should be more gradual.

4 - I edited the slowdown and stop the ball heavy.

Hence the new version!

Comments welcome! :-)

Now I will complete my evening devoted a bit 'to read the Survival Kit ..

PS I'm waiting for a week "Character Animation Crash Course" ... but not yet shipped ... PRESTOOOOOoooooo FATE! :-)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Have Veneers Put On

After a weekend of relaxation, I went back to work at a good pace ...
My program for today's exercise was groped last two bouncing balls of different weights: a soft and "bounce" (as the one already made to No. 3) and another very heavy.
I thought I'd include them in the same scene rather than on two different floors.
Also instead of adding the heavy of light within the soul already made, I redesigned the whole scene over again to be forced to rethink everything from scratch.
I studied animation on paper, mark the numbers of frames and a maximum spacing.

During production, I realized I was making some mistakes on paper, in particular they reported the first fall too fast. In the picture above the frame numbers are already corrected several times ... initially, the first fall lasted less than 2 frames (the light ball touched the ground and then at No. 16), but it was too abrupt acceleration compared to 10 frames needed to take the small plane to the edge.
Indeed in the previous version did touch the ground to 8 frames ... so in this case the number 18 was reasonable from the beginning ...
Here is the result of these 2 hours of work ...

I have encountered many difficulties in animating both the rolling balls and they slowed to a halt: I find it very difficult to decide the spacing of a long movement like that. Clearly it is not just a "easing in" to the frame stop, but many frames with slightly different (and more subtle!) NPOC give me no problems.
fact are not very happy with the result: I wanted to roll it longer and slow down much more slowly.
I'll probably lose his hand ...
criticisms and suggestions are welcome of course: I'd like to finish these basics first groped for something more elaborate.
As I said at the beginning, I do not want to walk longer leg ...

you soon!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Generador Nintendo Points Online

The opinion of the experts

Oggi niente "compiti" svolti... penso di rimettermi all'opera domani.
Tuttavia volevo condividere con voi un mio pensiero.
Mi è capitato alcune volte di guardare le e-critique dei video vincitori del contest mesile di e proprio l'altro giorno, in pausa pranzo, ho visto quella al vincitore di ottobre 2010 .
Trovo sorprendente la capacitĂ  dei mentor e in generale dei professionisti di cogliere i piĂ¹ piccoli particolari di un'animazione che al mio occhio inesperto appare essere eccellente. E' ovvio che una simile capacitĂ  è frutto di competenza, esperienza, "allenamento visivo" e quant'altro... tuttavia mi sorprende sempre.

Ad esempio, rightly refers to the video in October, I did not notice the intermingling of the arm with his mouth ... yet it is something rather striking ... or the light in a specific step in the right frame of the elbow ... or even the fact that the hand and say do not move his arm while pushing the chair ... In short, all those fine touches that make the complete animation, clean and credible.
Those videos are gold mines! Clearly animations are critical to a level greatly superior to mine and then I have something else to look after! But ... but they are terribly interesting ... bring to your attention the very distinctive features that probably would go unnoticed really. I think they
a good way to learn to look to the smallest detail, to train with extreme care in what you do and produce something truly elegant.
I strongly recommend to look a bit '...
In any case I'd better go back to work on my bouncing ball ... I do it to go before they get to do me an e-critique! :-)

you soon!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Film Breastfeeding Old Man

Bouncing Ball 3 + poses sketches

Suppressing the temptation to try bouncing the ball of different weights, I thought I'd correct than yesterday, because as I have said does not convince me ...
I have corrected the first run, changing the spacing of the first seven frames, and all part of the frame 24 on, trying to eliminate acceleration.
Queued I added 10 frames to create a slowdown and a more natural sleep.
I hope it's more enjoyable! :-)

I have also taken a pen and paper ... I was never a great artist but all in all a good thing every now and then I can combine ...
So tonight I tried a few pictures on the internet and I tried to sketch some poses (I have done some nice drawings, I did not even try ... in fact I wanted more to rebuild the installation as if I were to play it).

I'll see to put his hand in training and maybe even somes design a bit 'better later! :-)

the next!

PS Dropbox is giving problems ... so I changed the link to mov by pointing their server to another ... I hope everything risistemerĂ² Palace ... when the situation will return to stable

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Color Is Blood When You Pop You

Bouncing Ball Bouncing Ball 1 2

second year ... other ball!
:-) I loved the movement along the X and then doing the most classic of animation ...
I'm back sketched out the sequence on paper to decide how many frames to put where.

I tried to apply the suggestion of R. Williams, or to "stretch" the ball only to squash the previous frame and give her the contact with the ground already, so as to enhance the moment.
Here is the result ...

(Edit: thanks to Magma Dropbox ... I did not know!)

already known some of my things:

1 - I Like the very first fall : I added a frame over the paper pattern to make it smoother, but still does not convince me

2 - to frame 24 and still at 28 frames a well-known 'acceleration

I also doubt has arisen concerning the charts ... I will try to explain it ...
The classic bouncing ball accelerates as it falls, stretch it slightly, then is crushed when it touches the ground.
That is to say, I expect a chart like this:

But in the version of the frame Williams 6 and 7 are much shorter, because the ball touches the ground already in the frame 6 ... then the chart would be like?!? Type
this ...?!?

But it suggests to me that the ball slows the end ... which is wrong ...
Something I do not go back ...

soon!! :-)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Denise Milani What Happened To

In the past I have some funny animated "balls" in 3D ... and probably the end result was even better than this ... But one thing is timing and spacing in a regular software, adjusting curves, few moving keyframe ... and one thing to make everything by hand, as it once was.
I focused on the example Animator's Survival Kit Good Dick Williams and I tried to pull down a short loop with a few basic frames.
Although it is not something I'm used to, I scored a simple (and I do not know if you understand!) Chart ...
writing it I was really surprised at how complicated the bouncing ball animation is probably the most stupid that there is, but imagine where and when to draw without being able to help with an editor, a graph of speeds. .. I found it far from simple.
In any case you can find below frame of the 12 sweaty ... :-)

(edit: I uploaded the. Mov on the advice of Monte Cristo ... I hope functions, and moved the hosting with Magma :-))

Tech Deck Games Computer

Let's go ...

It 's a bit strange knowing that healthy at this time no one is reading this blog ... Indeed, no one is aware of its existence! But let us go further and explain what's going on here ...
Gertie ... the beginning of the animation ... as me!
This is a blog about the animation ... but is neither a place to find useful resources, nor a place to receive advice ... for the simple reason that there are quite capable of giving!

handyman job as a graphic designer in the gaming industry ... the company I founded with my partners pull out, the work I like and sometimes even gives me the satisfaction!
model, design, interface design, video editing, mind ...
Yeah, mind ... and work of the animator is a something that fascinates me ... "Give life" to something I find much more satisfying than making a beautiful illustration or shape a fantastic character.
Take a "puppet" still, let it move, give it character ... it be nice or unpleasant, happy or sad, light or heavy ... in short, make it look just a little 'live and give him the chance to tell his story, was also a gag from 10 seconds ... I find it amazing.
be why I did not lose an animated film, which are the only DVD that I buy ...

I would love to "be good" ... improve, without claiming to be whomever or end up working in some big studio ... but it is hard ... time is short, the opportunity to attend a school like the famous Animation Mentor is ridiculous ... But I have a nice bit 'of material, paper and ... and on the Internet there are many resources and many capable people.
This is why this blog ... is my personal school of animation: I will try to give me a method, read, test, study, learn ... trying to carve out enough time to do so. Surely not reach the level of those who really attends or has attended a school seriously, but for me it may be sufficient.
will post the drawings, text, video ... all that might seem useful ...
listen criticisms, opinions, suggestions, corrections from those who want to follow me.

If patience and determination not leave me, could be the right time ... to finally see tangible progress.

Follow me then, if you like, along the path of the animation ... mail me if you like, forgive me if now and then, after a day at the computer, it can happen that do not make me live! :-)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Getting Rid Of Verrucca

I regret not being able to follow my blog, but lately I really impossible without internet at home.
I hope to soon find a solution, and to continue to put my recipes! A big kiss

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Longest Time For Herpes Outbreak

Hello Happy Birthday ............

To my little puppy Gabriel, who turns 1 year today!

E 'already spent 1 year of your birth my baby, and the joy of having you with me every day is greater.
This morning, your eyes looking at me while I nursed were full of love, as you can see my growing every day. Many greetings
my puppy, your mother loves you!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Iphone Alarm Sounds On Silent

Happy Birthday my baby ...

ciaoooooooooo But ...

not think he could not go even once in my blogghettino in these three weeks of vacation: (But now

recovery and post the first cake I made for the celebration of 5 years of my son Giulio.
This year
the theme was: "dinosaurs"!

I enjoyed very much to them, of course this time was the decisive help of the internet, where I found a beautiful cake in this blog and also in this http : / / /
I take, however, the maternity triceratops, which I invented myself, watching what of my son. Also I added the cave.

The cake is still the same I do, with the usual creams, all dinosaurs were made with the pulp mmf.